Friday, July 7, 2017


There are so many things in life I do not do because they take me out of my comfort zone. I go to bed early. I stay home instead of going out. I pass up opportunities that may help me grow as a person, or even just experience life. So while many people have questioned me about what I'm looking forward to most on my trip to WJMC, a conference hosted by George Mason University--I don't really have the right answer. I'm not looking forward to staying in a dorm with four people I don't know. I'm not excited about meeting my congressman Dave Trott. And I certainly am not happy about spending a week alone in a city I do not know. I'm not looking forward to it in the sense most people would. While I recognize the adventure of it all, I'm more likely to drop dead than jump for joy. I'm not going because I expect it to be fun, I'm going because I know it will be--as long as I push past the walls in my mind begging me to just stay home. I have never done anything like it, and I may never do anything like it again. If I want to get somewhere in life, I have to be willing to go somewhere.
So what am I looking forward to most? The answer isn't as simple as sight-seeing or meeting amazing people; it's so much more than that. I'm looking forward to living.

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