Tuesday, July 11, 2017

WJMC Day 3: Speakers

Today at WJMC I listened to what felt like a week's worth of speeches. (Maybe that had a little bit to do with the fact that I fell asleep not only on the way to D.C., but on the way back from D.C. as well.) In any matter, the line-up was packed. Revered speakers and journalists such as Rene Marsh, the Aviation correspondent for CNN, her sister Michelle, a local journalist for ABC, David Culver, a local anchor for NBC, Brian Lamb, the founder of C-SPAN, White House correspondent April Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy, the movie critic who you may remember from this iconic interview, were some of the many amazing voices I got to listen to today. (Warning, the video is uncensored, I couldn't find the censored version...)
The day was packed.
Probably my most favorite part of the day was being able to be the closing speaker for David Culver, and getting to thank him for joining us today. It truly was a once in a life time experience to be able to shake his hand up on stage in front of over 300 people.
The experiences won't end there, though. In the next couple days ahead I will not only get to run a journalism simulation, testing the bias in networks throughout the country, I will also get to meet with my congressional representative Dave Trott in his Washington office--an daunting experience I still can't believe is going to actually happen.
As the day was mostly speeches, I don't really have any fun stories or anecdotes to share with you, but I just thought I would check in and let you know how the conference is going.

Some pictures from my time today are below:

Kevin McCarthy:

 Brian Lamb @ The National Press Club

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