Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Golden Rules

P.C. is a phenomenon that has taken over our country-- everywhere from preschools to college campuses, from start-ups to retirement homes. Everyone everywhere seems to be looking for some solution to avoid offending others, going so far as to censor language, create safe spaces, and otherwise tip-toe around the rest of society.

Image result for http://political correctness/

There seems like a much simpler solution than going through all this trouble.

When we were all children we were taught a series of rules by our parents and teachers. Looking back they seem silly, just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo invented to keep us kids from tearing each others hair out. But what if there was some truth in it all? Well, let's take a quick review.
  1. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.
  2. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
  3. Treat others how you wish to be treated.
If we take all of these rules into account, the world would be a better place. No one would intentionally harm another with their speech, no one would say something they didn't mean, and everyone would stick up for what they believe in.

If we could only go back to how things were when we were five, if we could only remember the rules that were instilled in us when we were young, we could fix a lot more than a couple of silly insults and "you're stupids" coming out of a child's mouth.

Here's what I'm proposing, let's not change words, let's change attitudes. If we all just tried to be polite to each other, to act like civilized beings, we could change the world. So next time you go out in the world, take with you a few golden rules, everything else should fall into place.

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